Flutter forward edition: 3.7 released! Whats New

Jan 25, 2023, Flutter Forward edition: 3.7 release

Flutter 3.7 is live! This release contains many updates and improvements. This page lists the documentation changes, but you can also check out the 3.7 blog post and the 3.7 release notes.

Docs updated or added since the 3.3 release

Codelabs and workshops

We have new codelabs since the last stable release:

  • Your first Flutter app
    Learn about Flutter as you build an application that generates cool-sounding names, such as “newstay”, “lightstream”, “mainbrake”, or “graypine”. The user can ask for the next name, favorite the current one, and review the list of favorited names on a separate page. The final app is responsive to different screen sizes. (Note that this codelab replaces the previous “Write your first Flutter codelab for mobile, part 1 and part 2.”)
  • Using FFI in a Flutter plugin
    Dart’s FFI (foreign function interface) allows Flutter apps to use of existing native libraries that expose a C API. Dart supports FFI on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Building a game with Flutter and Flame
    Learn how to build a platformer game with Flutter and Flame! In the Doodle Dash game, inspired by Doodle Jump, you play as either Dash (the Flutter mascot), or her best friend Sparky (the Firebase mascot), and try to reach as high as possible by jumping on platforms.
  • Add a user authentication flow to a Flutter app using FirebaseUI
    Learn how to add Firebase Authentication to your Flutter app using the FlutterFire UI package. You’ll add both email/password and Google Sign In authorization to a Flutter app. You’ll also learn how to set up a Firebase project, and use the FlutterFire CLI to initialize Firebase in your Flutter app.
  • Local development for your Flutter apps using the Firebase Emulator Suite
    Learn how to use the Firebase Emulator Suite with Flutter during local development, including how to use email-password authentication with the Emulator Suite, and how to read and write data to the Firestore emulator. Also, you’ll import and export data from the emulators, to work with the same faked data each time you return to development.

In addition, we’ve updated all of our existing codelabs to support multiplatform. The codelabs & workshops page is updated to reflect the latest available codelabs.


We’ve published the following articles on the Flutter Medium publication since the last stable release: